A Writer by quotes, Web Developer by Brain, Indian by Heart,Music Lover by Soul, Inspirer by Words.

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One of the biggest difficult task while preparing with your office work is to stay focused on your goal without any distraction. ...

One of the biggest difficult task while preparing with your office work is to stay focused on your goal without any distraction.
Whenever you are surviving in an environment, where higher studies are no mean to them, where other ones are enjoying their life at fullest, where people with goals are getting married, trying for an onsite opportunity or switching the organization for better packages, and here I am, alone, fighting for an uncertain goal, staying away from friends, devastated sometimes after seeing friends/people are getting settled with their lives while I am still struggling to do something good in my life.
So, One fine day, my brother has sent me a picture story of A Pregnant Elephant. Whenever I get devastated, I used to read this and it helped meto stay myself motivated all the time in my journey.
Here it goes.
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Think about your goal and keep patience, cause what you are carrying is mighty and great. Keep faith in yourself. Don’t think about success or failure, moreover it is not in our hand. Just try to make your journey beautiful and memorable.
The sole reason for this part is the Power of Habit, Discipline, and attitude.
I have set certain daily goals and habits that I practice rigorously no matter what weather, what time. I dedicate some amount of time for the mastery:
  • Read 50 pages daily of good self-improvement, psychology, philosophy, investment, finances, physics, astronomy or any knowledgeable book you think will add something valuable to your mind and personality. There is a ton of gold out there, Search, buy and read it. It will improve and develop the domain of your mindset and knowledge.
  • Wake up early around 5-6 am. It works according to my schedule. You may try your hands on what suits you. It just gives me an edge to start when others are sleeping.
  • Workout for 1–2 hours daily. I’ve started doing intense weight-lifting & cardio in the gym. This helps me improve my health, get & be in shape and also helps me keep calm & it increases my focus.
  • Set a digital hour according to your schedule to consume all that social media you want to.
  • Set dedicated digital hours to improve my technical skills like coding, designing, editing, development.
  • Watch one TED Talk daily. This will introduce you to many new dimensions of knowledge, vocabulary, the structure of society, technology, psychology and many other factors depending on the talk.
  • Inculcate optimism. Cut down cynicism. Period.
  • Practice gratitude daily.
  • Trying to get better at meditation.
Tip: Do these exercises every 3 to 6 months or whenever you feel the need to reflect on your life. It will help to again re-evaluate, re-structure & create a magical difference in your life.
Above all this, I stick to my schedule. Don't let life pass you by, take action.
“While we are postponing, life speeds by.” — Seneca
It means that time waits for no one. If you make a habit of putting things off, you will find you have run out of time to get things done.
These little steps of daily habits apart from daily chores keeps me in check that I am on the right track.
 “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you’re searching for Microsoft Office 2019 Activation Key or confused about how to activate Microsoft office for free then here is how...

If you’re searching for Microsoft Office 2019 Activation Key or confused about how to activate Microsoft office for free then here is how you can get it.

 Image result for Microsoft Office 2019 Activation
With the help of this article, you will be able to activate Office 2019 with the cmd file, without any hassle of downloading any software. As most of us use Microsoft Office in our daily lives but get stuck with the activation problem.

Microsoft Office 2019 Activation Key

So we at Digital Phablet decided to solve Microsoft Office 2019 Activation problem for you. This tutorial will help you activate your Office 2019 and older versions of it in just a single click.

Step 1: Download the file and save it on your desktop

Make sure you’re connected to the internet. Download and save this file on your desktop, don’t worry! This file is antivirus tested and is 100% secure.

Step 2: Run file as administrator

Ensuring the fact that you’re connected to the internet, you must wait for the process to complete after running it the file as administrator.

Microsoft Office 2019 is activated!

This is the legal way to activate it via genuine office 2019 product key free, otherwise, if you try to purchase it from a store, it will cost you around $60 to $100.

Activate older Versions of Microsoft Office

If you are using older versions such as Office 2010, Office 2013 or Office 2016 and want to activate for free. You will just need to download this crack and install it. We have tested this file from antivirus, the installation of this file is completely secure.



Google Stadia will be officially released on November 19th. Google’s cloud gaming service, Stadia, finally has its official release date....

Google Stadia will be officially released on November 19th. Google’s cloud
gaming service, Stadia, finally has its official release date. It will be available on November 19th.
The Made By Google 2019 conference has begun. Earlier this year, we learned that Google was getting into the video game with its own cloud gaming platform: Stadia.

During the year, we discovered its first subscription plans, launch-ready platforms, and
titles that will be available – including Red Dead Redemption 2.

Now we have its official release date. The Google Stadia service will be available on November 19th. Those who have pre-ordered the Founder’s Edition will be able to proudly display their badge on the servers of Google to date, and enjoy Destiny 2 as the first free game of the subscription.

The others will not yet have access to the free version, but it should land a few months later. At launch, let’s not forget that the service is somewhat limited: the mobile version is only compatible with Pixel when you need a Chromecast Ultra to enjoy it on your TV.

Netflix going to end the Netflix account sharing between friends. In its latest report to investors, the streaming platform says it is...

Netflix going to end the Netflix account sharing between friends. In its latest report to investors, the streaming platform says it is looking for ways to effectively prevent this practice which causes them a huge shortfall.
Netflix once showed great interest in account sharing. Now the growing competition in the streaming market pushes them to take steps to limit his shortfall knowing that account sharing makes him lose nearly $ 2 billion a year.
In its Updated quarterly report to investors, Netflix says the practice is now being followed very closely. The company recalls the illegal aspect of the thing and said study ways to end it as soon as possible.
Netflix wants to ban the Netflix account sharing between friends
For Many months, the conditions of use of Netflix have evolved. If the service seemed to turn a blind eye to sharing passwords, it now says that “any content viewed through the platform is for personal, non-commercial use only and should not be shared with people outside your home”. Theoretically, the premium subscription allows four people located miles away to share the same account, even between perfect strangers.
Some platforms have even been created solely to mediate those wishing to share the same Netflix account but also reduce the amount of their monthly bill. A recent report by Médiamétrie revealed that 9 out of 10 people are the users of the Netflix account sharing.
If the € 15.99 subscription allows members of the same family to access the contents of the platform on four screens simultaneously, the report indicates that 2 million French people share their account outside the family circle. We do not know yet how Netflix intends to overcome the phenomenon.
No doubt that his measurements will go in the direction of a geolocalised restriction like the Spotify method.

We live in a type of world surrounded by almost 9 billions people and everyone is striving for their own purpose and battling own fight, n...

We live in a type of world surrounded by almost 9 billions people and everyone is striving for their own purpose and battling own fight, no wonder how caring and helpful people seems they always have own things to obtain and afford, as saying goes there is nothing important than focusing and resolutions for own success , in part of the this process we humans are involved and along the way strange things can happens we meet some sort of adversity, bottlenecks ,stress, and negative occurrence however if we didn't mentally prepared we might see blur in our way,
Long story short just realize below points this will help us to enhance mental toughness.

1. Know Yourself, Know Your Reason.
Cold shower, operating until late night, tilt with somebody or fight or face interview. Your mind feel discomfort and take bit of time to make mind to face it. Mind is structured to resist discomfort. But it will embrace if it is aware of why it should face it.
Self awareness about yourself is helpful. When you know yourself and your reasons to face the discomforts, you take the first step to mentally get prepared to face discomfort. So, have your honest reasons to face any discomfort or fear.

2. Forget what other people think.
Live life by your own rules. Quit seeking approval from others. It doesn’t matter what they think. If they have a problem with you or resent your success, that’s their problem to deal with, not yours. Learn the power of the word “no”. Stop expression affirmative to everything merely to please others. If you can’t do something or if it goes against your plans, goals, or believes you need to say no. Hold your ground and don’t budge. People will have to respect you or move on.

3. Suck it up and don’t complaint.
No one likes a whiner or complainer. Next time things don’t go your approach, keep your comments and trash-talk to yourself.

Hence, once you start, it can be hard to stop and becomes a negative downward spiral. One issue that folks do search for in others in humility, to take that route instead.The positive feelings will help you recover quickly and get back at it.

4. Start small.
To prepare yourself mentally tough, you need to collaborate multiple layers of toughness. That is you cannot face all your fears, discomforts all at once. You can take them one by one. Start small. Because a small amount of discomfort is tolerable to mind. This way is wide employed in physical exercise or coaching. Like if you are comfortable to do 10 push ups, then you may able to do even 12–13 push ups easily. The muscles pain would be tolerable for your mind. So face discomforts in small amounts and add it in increment.
5. Learn and Experience.

Listen others and their experiences, observe their thoughts and opinions. Mind believes in what other says. Your experience to face a situation gets better. Others experiences allow you to learn from them and mentally prepare to face similar situation. You can also read books as you gain some knowledge and your mind feels prepared and confident to face.

6. Meditate.
It makes your mind calmer and less stressed. It may not seem like a big thing but it really helps to improve mental toughness. Like iron is strong. But if it is in melting temperature (stressed), it becomes easier to break and shape it in any form. Keep your mind calm with meditations and mindfulness techniques. It help you to stay focused, confident and productive in whatever you do.

7. Visualize yourself as tough.
There is a stereotype believe that mentally robust suggests that no emotions. Being cold. It is false. Tough means prepared to face any situation with a control on your emotions. Mind is full of thoughts. Take control of your thoughts and visualize your success over any fear, discomfort. It boosts confidence and encourage you to face any problem from front. Remember you cannot stop anything from happening. There are things in life you cannot control. But you can control and decide how you respond if things not go your way.
Most importantly always refuse to any negative emotion scum to you sometime not always justice will prevails and you will win however learn to thrive in hostile world ultimately where your thought directs it will reflect your attitude and control the situations!

1. 2. 3.28 States, 9 union territories 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ...

3.28 States, 9 union territories

Jai Hind 🇮🇳

Have a look at some Psychological Facts About Love  we found on the Internet: 1. Most of the time boys make the first move. But, if a ...

Have a look at some Psychological Facts About Love we found on the Internet:
1. Most of the time boys make the first move. But, if a girl does it then, believe me, no one can love you more than that girl.
2. True love can wait for more than 10 years to get in a relationship with the one they love. Sometimes it's even more than 50 Years.
3. Broken heart syndrome due to intense, traumatizing events, such as a break-up, divorce, loss of a loved one, physical separation from a loved one, or betrayal can cause real physical pains in the area of one’s heart often misdiagnosed as a heart attack and tends to affect women more often.
4. The main reason behind having super success in teenagers love and grief movies and songs area unit the grief stories of human.

5. If a person sings a beautiful song for you then he can never cheat on you. Because feelings expressed with love can never ever cheat.
6. Some people can't bear the loss of beloved ones and eventually dies after a few months and years due to mental or physical illness.
7. When you fall in love or you have a breakup, This is the time when you start to understand the lyrics of songs and sometimes these songs tell your life story.
8. Sometimes loves decreases the power of vision. They tend to grasp solely things that they interpret or imagine.
9. Man typically fall in love faster than women.
10. Not speaking with the one you love for more than 48 hours can make you feel homesick.
11. Wonder why we tend to act therefore inappropriate and irrational once we fall for someone? Well, it's not your fault, it's the chemical known as cortisol.

12. Most of the single person in teens are secret lovers or maybe one side lover as well.
13. When you hold the hand of the one you love, it reduces both mental and physical pain.
14. Sometimes love can be addictive too. If so it's better to get rid of it as fast as possible.
15. People tend to marry somebody while not whom they can not live instead of the one with whom they'll live their whole lives.